Lease21 Ltd is an independent provider of vehicle leasing and fleet management services. Based in Reading, Berkshire, Lease21 provide a range of vehicle leasing solutions and services including: Daily Rental, Business or Personal Contract Hire, Business or Personal Contract Purchase, Finance Lease, Lease Purchase/Hire Purchase, Outright Purchase, Sale & Leaseback and Vehicle Movements. Basically, if you need to lease a car, Lease21 would be a good call to make!!
Having grown the Lease21 team by employing Emma, there was now more of a focus on attacking all aspects of how Lease21 is marketed. The old website was built in the traditional way, flat HTML files etc etc. Essentially, unless Lease21 had the necessary skills, knowledge and tools updating the website themselves was going to be impossible. So the main business driver for reviewing the website was accessibility and having the ability to add special offers and additional content without having to be tied to a web developer.
The Lease21 project is live now. (July 2013) The new site will be live this month, and the Lease21 team will have been trained on how to use WordPress.
The ProativeWeb package was an ideal fit for Lease21’s needs. WordPress gives the required Content Management functionality and accessibility. The Proactiveweb set up costs reduced any significant financial pain to evolving the Lease 21 web presence. And even though they didn’t want to be tied to a web developer, the ProactiveWeb basic monthly support fee of £25 was deemed to be attractive. For the small fee, they know they have support, phone and face to face, when they need it, and although they know they have the ability to add their own content, they know they can trust ProactiveWeb to add and present their content in a consistent fashion. Not to mention all the other house keeping that comes with running a commercial website that you expect to deliver.
How Much?
£439.00ex vat
This price is on the basis that Lease21 have contracted to a 12 month support contract. The monthly fee is just £25 ex vat. For this small fee, Lease21 continues to get:
[li]A member of the Proactive Web team on the end of the phone whenever needed*[/li]
[li]Website Hosting[/li]
[li]Regular Backups of both the website files and the mySQL database to two different locations[/li]
[li]General WordPress and Plugin updates and maintenance[/li]
[li]Content, Imagery and Graphic updates[/li]
[li]Blogging and Social Media support[/li]
[li]Basic ongoing SEO considerations[/li]
[li]Google Analytics and Webmaster tools integration and analysis[/li]
[li]…and probably a few other bits that i dont recall right now![/li]
It is Proactive Web’s goal to establish a modest number of local business with whom which we have a close relationship. We take a long term view and incentivise our clients to continue to grow their online presence with us, year on year.
*We work normal office hours; 9 – 5:30, Monday to Friday but often take calls outside of these hours, because we’re nice!
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